Deep peace rules the water still sea keeps silent Down the smooth high seas worried sights stroll No wind, not from a side mortal peace-horrible and freezing there in a distance Not one wave moves
Then suddenly cool wind blew as if it sent from the heaven itself the waves break-the wind howls The must creaks as if it would fall Still they neither look for the fortune in that stream Nor expect any salvation from it
Now, strong black barge starts it's dreary voyage in it they are quiet and stiff like stone, dead man's guards
But dark foreboding fell on the boat death released her black breath and the blue waves as if they were graves Took victims into their arms
Now they lay in terrible silence in water Their blood on the bottom makes a huge pool their shattered bloody inside feed the sea creatures in the blue grave those stiff dead men
Curved, black, look like-Oh horror! Smashed mean monsters without a voice
Skulls of their look like white stones Smoothed by the cold's freezing veil And their hand cramped dark and withered As if it would raise a sword on someone
And they have more stabs and wounds Than any bodies torn apart by horses Their bones are full of rot and gloom It's visible, everywhere, the gading trace of bullets
And a sabre cut that cut them in a half Over that silence a calm wave crosses Bloody and nude, no more can they be seen Except by the sea and it's frozen eyes.
You, the dead of my land, I envy you! You, the dead of my land, I am proud of you!