Armin Van Buuren

Song I Sing

Armin Van Buuren

I'd write you a love song
But you don't really need one
Cause you are the sunrise
In the dark side of my sky

There isn't a moment
That I'm not trying to find the words
To capture the poetry you are

So I will break open my heart
And I will show you every part
Cause you're written all over me
A silent melody
I hear in everything
You are the song I sing

You are the song I sing

I'd give you an ocean
But you're already woven
Into the fabric
Of the deepest part of me

There isn't a moment
That I'm not trying to understand
How it could happen
That you'd find me in the dark

So I will break open my heart
And I will show you every part
Cause you're written all over me
A silent melody
I hear in everything
You are the song I sing

You are the song I sing

You are the song I sing
A hidden symphony
You are the song I sing always
You are the song I sing
You are the song I sing

You are the song I sing
A hidden symphony
You are the song I sing always
You are the song I sing
In every part me
You are the song I sing always

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