Página inicial > A > Azorrague > Strident



Bringer Of terror

Like someone was born and took the first breath
Like someone gave birth and prompt relief
We didn't try to make the howl nice to your ears
Faith and sweat. Stronger than ever

The Son has shown me a mountain
The Son has given me a mission
He didn? t try to make the howl nice to my ears
Primitive moans. Tears and attitude


While I breathe, I'll do my best
Until the end, until the core
Until my death, eternity
Still at night. Even in pain

Raise your fist, drink of chalice
Come to bleed into the mosh pit
Feed the fire. Pray and fight
Faith and sweat. Stronger than ever

Higher and louder, a normal parturition
I will proclaim with all the creation
He sets the limits of the universe
Timeless, elusive, transcendental


Compositores: Macarrão Thrashraiser, Fernando Frogel

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