This was the time when I sat all alone in a room where no one has been there well a certain feeling hit me down my mind felt on the floor That situation returned to me which i knew before I got a special kind of anger at every different day and an inner voice returned to me and made my heaven grey
Boring time emphasises my life sadness is by my side but i'm trying to keep my goals in sight Boring time a major part in my life craziness is my guide but i don't know if i'm right
Time was running out when i was waiting on my chair i tried to form my dreams in several ways and this bubbles of my mind always bursting on a naked wall that kind of dreams a child might had many years ago I got a special kind of anger at every different day and an inner voice returned to me and made my heaven grey
Boring time ...
I tried so many times to reach a state of concentration I tried very hard to hear what my master says I keep in mind that I wanna get some penetration from now to the end of mine