Página inicial > B > Beldame > Hold On

Hold On


Woke up today, the Sun hadn't risen
I dreamt last night that we'd seen our last dawn
Was it a nightmare or some strange vision?
We fought so hard, but now everything's gone

All hope abandoned, how can we go on
Singing songs about love while the earth slowly crumbles
Sing songs of joy while the sky falls in flames
We won't be remembered, our bones lie unburied
But I'll love you, though only shadows remain

Please take my hand, lay me down by the river
Help me forget all we've built now lies dead
Bodies entwined, tremble and shiver
Please make me feel something other than dread

The past is unwritten, our sins all forgiven
Misery and fear have not made their mark
The vows left unbroken, the lies all unspoken
But I hear your voice calling out from the dark

Sing me songs about love while the earth slowly crumbles
Sing songs of joy while the sky falls in flames
We won't be remembered, our bones lie unburied
But I'll love you, though only shadows remain

Hold on, hold on
Hold on, please don't slip away
Hold on, just hold me steady
And I'll sing with you
Though this dark should be day

Songs about love while the earth slowly crumbles
Sing songs of joy while the sky falls in flames
We won't be remembered, our bones lie unburied
But I'll love you, though only shadows remain

Follow me down, down to the river
Tell me everything's fine
Tell me, just look away
Dead heavens can't help us
We won't be delivered
If no one is left, then there's no one to blame

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