Ben Folds


Ben Folds

You don't you don't you don't stop

Follow me into the great unknown
Where pink flamingoes grow
Diet soda flows
The wine you take magically regenerates
Our supermarket shelves
The ovens clean themselves

You don't pay the tab
Till the last drop
So we all ride for nothing
Cause this train never stops

We make a good team me and you we do
You could scratch my back
And I'll scratch my back too
And everyone is welcome at the party yeah
People more is more
Are we all gone poor?

You don't pay the tab
Till the last drop
So we all ride for nothing
Cause this train never stops

You don't you don't you don't stop

You don't pay the tab
Till the last drop
So we all ride for nothing
Cause this train never stops

Compositor: Ben Folds Five

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