Beyond the Black
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Is There Anybody Out There?

Beyond the Black

Beyond The Black

I climb the rooftops every morning
And search for life there down below
But there is nothing out there for me
There is nothing out there to see

I send a signal for survivors
Requesting help on where to go
But there is nobody else to hear
The only answer I get is fear

'Cause every time, that I return to this place
I once called home
Yes, every time the walls cry out
you're the last one - you're alone

Oh – is there anybody out there?
There must someone else like me
Oh – is there anybody out there in the cold?
Come raise your voice and set me free

I wander streets that once were crowded
I'm searching houses that were homes
But there is nothing out there for me
There is nothing out there to see

I'm fighting off the dread that haunts me
But in my empty heart it grows
'Cause there is nobody else to hear
The only answer I get is fear

And every time I raise my head, panic stares me in my face
Yes, every time I try to think, I get trapped inside a mace

Oh – is there anybody out there?
There must someone else like me
Oh – is there anybody out there in the cold?
Come raise your voice and set me free

Oh – is there anybody out there?
There must someone else like me
Oh – is there anybody out there in the cold?
Come raise your voice and set me free

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