On that day flowed the river of blood In groans tearing skies hope was dying Every drop of this flood took it away into mud Cold earth was crying On that day the river of blood was flowing On that day heroes were born their power was growing
Black chains on my hands are pulling down to earth My blades are captured Alas I wish I fell like my brothers but cruel fate With out demur dictates I hate to live on Alone
Quick as lighting my appeal will dash off Night feel my will With pain call to arm Will pierce the mind Again their anger will shudder earth None will flee They will rise to follow the call to fight
But now at night I can hear hopeful voice She calls to me My fate is not to be with thee
The first sun beam I hear the rustle you approach I never thought I could so close feel your embrace
Thud of hoofs clink of blades storm of arrows All as one That was price for their death Heroes are not to be forgot
On that day flowed the river of blood Honor outraged was restored