Blackmore's Night

Emmanuel (tradução)

Blackmore's Night

Winter Carols

Oh venha, oh venha Emmanuel

E resgate os prisioneiros de Israel

Quem pranteia neste solitário exílio

Até a face de Deus surgir

Regojize-se, regojize-se Emmanuel

Iremos a Ti, oh Israel

Oh que Tu venhas no nascer do dia, venha e anime

Teu espírito pelo Teu advento aqui

e dirija ao longe as sombras da noite

E perfure as nuvens e traga a nós a luz

Regojize-se, regojize-se Emmanuel

Iremos a Ti, oh Israel


O come, O come, Emmanuel

And ransom captive Israel

That mourns in lonely exile here

Until the Son of God appear

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free

Thine own from Satan's tyranny

From depths of Hell Thy people save

And give them victory o'er the grave

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer

Our spirits by Thine advent here

Disperse the gloomy clouds of night

And death's dark shadows put to flight.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Key of David, come,

And open wide our heavenly home;

Make safe the way that leads on high,

And close the path to misery.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, O come, Thou Lord of might,

Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height,

In ancient times did'st give the Law,

In cloud, and majesty and awe.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, O Israel.

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