How can I explain What makes me so sad again One teardrop for the future And a handful for the past
Why should I stay What does it change, if I go While you say, That you love me and need me and need me ...
But remember the times when I needed you And you turned away You know how mutch I needed you
But that's just another drop That's just another drop Into the sea
A girl and a boy Fire and ice She loved him and she hated him And he answered with a smile In thought he fell down on his knees Begging for her love In thought he screamed: stay with me! But his lips kept close
I know him so well I think he's my only friend And she is like you She only thinks she understands I know one day, you'll leave me You'll leave me, anyway And even though it will break my heart
It's just another drop It's just another drop Into the sea Into the sea of sorrow