Página inicial > B > Blindside > Across Waters

Across Waters


That day I woke up, screaming of emptiness
A thought crushed my mind
To all of them she's just a worn-out dress
They can seek but not find
Time pass please this day of rain
I'm in this world and she's in another
Her fragile voice of sorrow let my brain go insane
I'm in this world and she's in another

And You must be my arms around her now

We both agreed on this choice
To let me be helpless
And she to stick to your voice
Me to my knees everyday I guess

Leave footprints on her/my/our floor tonight
To slumber in Your light
Let her/me/us sleep with angels tonight
Can't even breathe without holding you tight

Trade my will against yours
Is something I'd rather say then do
I want to kick down some doors
For me to see through
But she believes in love
Makes this distance pass
She sees the dove
Makes me stay and not trespass

And you must be her arms around me now

I'll make you a promise
To bring her safe home

Compositores: Marcus Tobias Dahlstrom, Simon Frank Grenehed, Christian Thell Lindskog, Tomas Nils Naslund
ECAD: Obra #6739960

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