Unspeakable horror... total abomination. Aberrant thing...immortal, eternal. Awaken by nuclear chaos. Born to destroy human life. No weapon can hurt it. Nothing can stop it. Its enormous and stinking corpse, a mass of rotten flesh and broken bones, crushes everything on its path digesting, assimilating its victims. It never stops growing bigger, a monolith of flesh and puss... Unspeakable horror, total abomination, absolute terror, nameless obscenity, awaken by nuclear chaos, born to destroy human life. No weapon can hurt it. Nothing can stop it. The look of its thousand eyes set in a morbid expression causes an irrevocable madness. The only fate for its victims is to be crushed and digested. An horrible and painful death... Its enormous and stinking corpse, a mass of rotten flesh and broken bones, crushes everything on its path digesting, assimilating its victims. It never stops growing bigger, a monolith of flesh and puss... (lead guitar: cascad of vomit)