Bonnie Tyler
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Sally Comes Around

Bonnie Tyler

Silhouette In Red

She was alone, alone again
Living in her broken world
She found out love was just a game
For a young and foolish

"It doesn't matter?' I heard her say
"Love is no friend of mine"
And it's so hard to forget her past
So cruel and so unkind
She needs to be needed
Love's hard to find

Oh when Sally comes around
Oh don't let her down
When Sally comes around downtown
She wears a wounded heart
Like a fallen crown
She's tough with a heart of gold
Oh when Sally comes around
There's a burning flame
Deep in her heart I know
She's searching in the dark
Through the falling rain
She's tough with a heart of gold

A lonely girl is home again
And everyone knows your name
It feels so good to have you around
Things have never been the same
So hang on in, don't you cry
Sally, you're among your friends
Ain't no way to hide your Joy
And no way to hide your pain
No need to be needed
Again and again

Oh when Sally comes around
Oh don't let her down
When Sally comes around downtown
She wears a wounded heart
Like a fallen crown
She's tough with a heart of gold
Oh when Sally comes around
There's a burning flame
Deep in her heart I know
She's searching in the dark
Through the falling rain
She's tough with a heart of gold

Compositor: Jennifer Blake

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