No more, no more can we stay on shore Gonna work for the company Where there's ice and there's snow and the whale-fishes play And the Greenland Fishery, boys The Greenland Fishery
The lookout climbed the top mast high With a spyglass in his hand "There's a whale, there's a whale there's a whale-fish, " he cried "And she blows at every span, boys She blows at every span"
And the captain stood on the quarterdеck And the ice was in his eyе "Overhaul, overhaul, let your davit tackle fall Let your harpoon fly, boys Let your harpoon fly"
The harpoon struck and the line played out But the fish gave a flash with the tail And the boats capsized and we lost a dozen men And a hundred barrels of oil, boys A hundred barrels of oil
With the losing of a dozen brave men It grieved the company sore But the losing of all those dollars and cents Grieve them ten times more, boys Grieve them ten times more
Compositores: Anaïs Mitchell, Eric D. Johnson, Josh Kaufman