Página inicial > B > Boyzone > When All Is Said And Done

When All Is Said And Done


Said and Done

Days that we spent
When I was so small
Never let me fall
You never let me fall
Taught me to see
The right and the wrong
Oh I'm not that strong
Wish I was that strong
You've been good to me
Tending my every need
Just look what I am
Can't you see--it's you in me

When all is said and done
Look before you--I'm your son
Can't you see
It's you in me
A man...

Now I'm a man
Time has gone so fast
I didn't want it to
I didn't want it to
Wen't on my way
Like a crazy young fool
I never wanted to
I never wanted to
You've been good to me
Tending my every need
Just look what I am
Can't you see--it's you in me


Compositores: Martin Sean Brannigan, Raymond George Hedges (Ray Hedges), Ronan Patrick John Keating, Stephen Patrick David Gately, Keith Peter Thomas Francis Joh Duffy, Shane Eamon Mark Stephen Lynch, Michael Christopher Charles Graham
ECAD: Obra #11757617

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