Built To Spill
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Life's a Dream

Built To Spill

Dusk till dawn, but it feels so dark til then
drowns you out, so you can't be too [i]surreal[/i]
[i]common bonds, and fill me up with me[/i]
everybody in this world is just like me
so what
grow on

Life ain't nothin but a dream
Realistic as it seems

Sounds like fear
Thinking there might be a cure
Waste your life, but you don't know what it's worth
Comb your mind for the treasures of the soul
Too close to find anything outside yourself
so what
grow on

Life ain't nothin but a dream
Realistic as it seems

Miles till dawn, but it feels so dark til then
drowns you out, but you can't be too certain
[i]common bonds, and fill me up with me[/i]
everybody in this world is just like me
and so what
grow on

Life ain't nothin but a dream
Realistic as it seems

Compositores: Douglas G Martsch, Brett Wayne Netson, Brett Neal Nelson, James Edwin Roth, Karena A Youtz (Built To Spill)
ECAD: Obra #33208829

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