This darkness consumes the light Your faults and concerns, do they keep you up at night If this doesn't haunt you I'll draw Inspiration from what talents you left behind Do you feel alive or dead inside Your ghost shades the glow that gave you life
We follow suit and blindly chase the views they redefined An illusion of comfort, a scene that's no greener on the other side
Stay wide eyed beautiful Hold close to what matters most (And Sun-dried like the hills on the central California coast) But Alive with hope
I find myself in what's been lost As pages fold over our youth becomes a fog Our goals was what defined their love
Like hands in ticking clocks our time won't let up Whats moving forward one day, all still ends up stuck
Stay wide eyed beautiful Hold close to what matters most (And Sun-dried like the hills on the central California cost) But alive with hope
We follow suit and blindly chase the views they redefined (And Sun-dried) An illusion of comfort, a scene that's no greener on the other side