Tried calling yesterday but got your voicemail again Rushed over to your Uni hall, saw her leaving your place You said you fucked up on a night out You drank way too much, you're feeling bad now You're tryna figure how to worm your way out
Well, look at what you've done You said you'd never do You've fucked it for yourself This is the end of me and you
So don't call this number anymore 'Cause I won't be there for you like I was before I should have listened to my friends They always know best Thеy said you were just like all thе rest, so I'll sing it loud in case you don't already know Pack up your shit and go, go, go, go Pack up your shit and go, go, go, go
You said it was a one time thing But the one time has ruined everything Look at me when you're lying Stop crying your heart out Yeah, it was really nice to know you I wish you the best in all that you do But close the door, boy, on your way out
Well, look at what you've done What you put me through You fucked it for yourself This is the end of me and you
Don't call this number anymore 'Cause I won't be there for you like I was before I should've listened to my friends They always know best They said you were just like all the rest, so I'll sing it loud in case you don't already know Pack up your shit and go, go, go, go Pack up your shit and go, go, go, go
I can't trust you anymore Look what you've done You've turned this heart cold And I don't know if I can love again But I know for sure we can't be friends This is the end
So don't call this number anymore 'Cause I won't be there for you like I was before I should have listened to my friends They always know best They said you were just like all the rest, so I'll sing it loud in case you don't already know Pack up your shit and go, go, go, go Pack up your shit and go, go, go, go