Página inicial > Disco > C > Cher > Love Me

Love Me


Two the hard way (with Greg Allman)

Treat me like a fool
Treat me mean and cruel
But love me
Take my aching heart
Tear it all apart
But oh love me
If you ever go
Darlin' I'll be oh so lonely
I'll be sad and blue
Crying over you
You dear only

Cause I would beg and steal
Oh honey, just to feel
I want your heart, yeah
Beating close to mine
If you ever go
Darling I'll be oh so lonely
Well, I'll be sad and blue
Crying over you
You dear only

Cause, I would beg and steal
Whoa, Gregory, just to feel
I want your heart, yeah
Beating close to mine

Treat me like a fool
Treat me mean and cruel
Ah, but love me
Beggin' on my knees
All I ask is please
Please, love me

Compositores: Barry Alan Crompton Gibb, Robin Hugh Gibb
ECAD: Obra #17959016 Fonograma #1147654

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