Been entertained since the morning, the morning I saw you At the park, the pollen, the pollen was falling On your arms as you reached You reached for a hand I didn't recognize
Now it's fun, it's fun to watch you lying No, it's great I swear, can't you see me smiling Through my teeth, no, we didn't label anything Teeth 'cause we aren't anything
I could spare a dollar And I could spare some time for my mother I could spare my covers when it's cold for you But that's as far as I'll go for you
Ripping seams off my jacket I've been touring the country in this minivan And if I stopped for a second, I could catch you falling And If you stopped for a second, you would see me calling
And hе picks, he picks up the phone I can still rеmember it well so You're laughing, asking for it back I'm not laughing if you cared to ask
I could spare a tire And I could spare some change for a buyer I could spare an hour when you need me to But that's as far as I'll go for you That's as far as I'll go