The years have passed and I look back I saw there was no time for us to stop There's no way to stop that clock To see the time that we have lost, lost We have been waiting way too long And there is no time for us to waste To save the world we left behind To reclaim the things that we have lost To remember friends that we have lost To bring back the days that we have lost To remember friends that we have lost To regret the day that we got lost For so long Why have we forgotten all our past Why are we forgetting who we are Why are we pretending to be blind Why we always leave someone behind I can't go back we missed our chance And there's no more time for us it's late To save the world we left behind To reclaim the things that we have lost To remember friends that we have lost To bring back the days that we have lost To remember friends that we have lost To regret the day that we got lost For so long Now it's too late We got nothing left to lose We got nothing left to save We kept nothing of that world