I stand alone again, decieved by a friend The way that things remain, they never stay the same Never in control, falling down the hole Chaos all around, not a loving soul
I build it up so you can tear it down Spread the pieces round, playing lost and found We're under pressure, need to be released Locked outside your door, screaming out for more
Believe - it's the last thing we hear Believe - I have lost my faith, lost my will to Believe - will you give me what I need Believe - how come I cannot believe
Things has to end so they can start again Cannot comprehend, I cannot maintain People come and go, change the world we know Yor choise is to stay low or to go with the flow
You build it up so I can tare it down Spread the pieces round, playing lost and found We're under pressure, need to be released Locked outside your door, screaming out for more
I stand alone again, decieved by a friend The way that things remain, they never stay the same Never in control, falling down the hole Chaos all around me