Forgotten Boys
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The Ballad Of

Forgotten Boys

Stand by the D.A.N.C.E.

Jesus was born in 1979
The king of guy has something nice
He found out he'd like to kiss some girls
That's when Devil got in this world

Devil was 29 years old
When she found this pretty boy
Things went colloured inside her world
'cos Jesus was all she was looking for

Jesus promised to go to Devils's place
He never thought he was going out of his way
24 years old, pretty young faced though
He was really near to finally fall in love

She set the table up waiting for him
She's never thought good on bad was a sin
She's promise him a weding ring
But suddenly the phone ha started to sing

"hello there, this is from the Police
I'm sorry but we have some bad news"
That's when Devil started to cry
From that moment on she hope she dies

Jesus got lost on his way to Devil's home
He was trying to find out what was going wrong
His car went out of control
He crashed agaist a wall
He was really near to finally fall in love

Compositor: Chuck Hipotitho

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