


If you wanna be anything at all
If you wanna be what you see
Just put your name down
And if you wanna feel what you think is real
If you wanna pick up a steel
Just put your name down
Anything at all but only when the deed is done
Anything at all will tell the mourning to the sun

Starlight I don't even know your name
Starlight still you wanna play my game

If you wanna be higher than the call
If you don't believe you can fall
Just put your name down
And if you wanna feel stronger than steel
If you wanna get on the wheel
Just put your name down
Anything at all but only when the deed is done
Anything at all will tell the mourning to the sun

Starlight I don't even know your name
Starlight now you gonna play my game

Starlight I've think I'm gonna make you sane
Starlight I'll give you everything with shame
Come and stake your game
Cold and rain
Get your pleasure and pain

Compositores: Massimo Leoni, Freddy Scherer, Nicholas Jerome Maeder (Nicholas Maeder)
ECAD: Obra #12505605

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