Guided By Voices


Guided By Voices

La La Land

Pockets to hold them down
Pockets to keep them around
Pockets to shoot them in
Pockets to fill when you win

Pockets to cram a jammed fingered glove
Pockets to fill the plate of love
And to hide the weepers lost and found
To pull them high
I ain't going down

Pockets if turbulent crowd
Pockets of keen accusation
Pockets of strong resistance
Pockets of weak information

Pockets to cram a jammed fingered glove
Pockets to fill the plate of love
And to hide the weepers lost and found
To pull them high
I ain't going down

Brеaking the seal
On the lawn of display
With hands in my pockеts
And my back turned away

Compositor: Robert Ellsworth Pollard Jr
ECAD: Obra #37732864

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