So I wonder if there's anyone sensing these deaf sounds Why everything seems so different up there? Unnatural glittering. I can't believe it's true Everything you do is overpowered By itself as if your own nature was enhanced
Confined in this circus of lights There are so many rules to be broken and bust While I watch the world above me disappear
The signs flame far and wide Information flows all over the space An entropic atmosphere of the world lies above us It's not superstition! Everything you do is overpowered by itself As if your own nature was enhanced
I see so many virtual faces Icons of perfection, echoes of yourself While I watch the world above me disappear
We march at the end of time Unbreakable creatures We consume the miraculous Coincidence of our existence No more time for misapprehension The flawed space seems to collide Into a nameless universe But lets rebuild the crumbling structure Our negligent behavior has resulted in this All things fall apart and bury the world Fragments of life