Jaden Smith


Jaden Smith

The Cool Cafe

Thank you for coming on this journey
With me through this Cool Tape
Shout out to my mom
Shout out to my dad
Shout out to my sister, Willow
Shout out to my brother, Ace
Thank you to Omarr for being here
For the past 5 years
Shout out to Stoopid Robots
You guys helped so much
Shout out to my Msfts all over the globe
Shout out to Moises
Shout out to 'Teo
Thank you Highsnobiety, thank you Vice
And thank you for listening

Stoopid Robots

It sounds, sounds like it's raining

Yeah. Cause when it rains, it pours
(It rains and pours)
(Something when it
Rains and pours cause)
(It rains and pours)
(It rains and pours)
(Girl, I see you when it
Rains and pours cause)
I just feel like
(It rains and pours)
It's probably raining
(It rains and pours)
(Girl, I notice when it rains and pours)
(Because I see you when it rains and pours)
(Because it rains and-)

Girl, I just miss the old you
amazinblazin's photo amazinblazin
Jaden is thanking the us for journeying with him throughout his mixtape listening to his girl probs and such

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