Now we get off the train we take a backwards glance Close our eyes and pay a tribute to the memories passed I light a cigarette and hope that it will calm me down Cause I can't beat the urge to tell you not to leave me now.
I see his cloud of smoke, Why does she does turn around, Why does she not get off, Is it too late now?
This won't be okay This won't be alright I won't see you tonight, forever, from now on won't you turn this train around Please make it stop now, I'm going to run and run until I'll reach you
We feel so sick that our attempts amount to no avail
I should have never put an ending to this fairytale I've wrote a million times But I've had no replies Ill press my nose against the window hoping you'll arrive I don't know how to tell him soon that I won't be alive.
I hope shes okay I hope shes alright It's been a long time forever's just too long I'm going to find you And ill take you home tonight And I'm going to run and run and run and run till I reach you. Shes bleeding won't someone help us don't you die on me now Oh I'm sorry Shes bleeding don't you dïe on me now