Jerry Cantrell
Página inicial > Grunge > J > Jerry Cantrell > I Want Blood

I Want Blood

Jerry Cantrell

I Want Blood

I want blood

Waste my time with useless drivel
Step on in, toe to the line
I'm gonna wear you down
I don't fight fair, there's no rules
Summary, the job inside
You only rent the crown

Time, and so it goes
Time, all the races run
Time, I'm in control
Time, undefeated time

I want blood

You might land a shot or a shiver
Or find yourself in the sublime
I want your best so you know
In my prime, takers and givers
Out and in, trial by fire
Sharing the stage and blows

Time, and so it goes
Time, all thе races run
Time, I'm in control
Time, undеfeated time

I want blood

Every minute I want blood
Every second I want blood
Will you play me now for blood? Let's go
Every minute I want blood
Every second I want blood
Will you play me now for blood? Let's go

Time, and so it goes
Time, all the races run
Time, I'm in control
Time, undefeated time
Time, and so it goes
Time, all the races run
Time, I'm in control
Time, undefeated time

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