Just one look and my eyes open
glancing at your back
ItÂfs me and you babe
You return my stare
in da club, in da night
till youÂfre burning hot
(Mr.DJ is playinÂf break beats.
Look and see da big house burninÂf down)
My body canÂft wait for the next tune
(Mr.DJ is playinÂf slow jams.
All the leaves on da tree falinÂf down)
The throbbing heat becomes a flame
Play another one please,
just play another for me
Take away the clock just for tonight
Play another one please,
just play another for me
IÂfm already runninÂf
Just one kiss
Is it cool to feel this way?
After all, we canÂft return to the past
ItÂfs all the gameÂ@
so letÂfs enjoy our victories
in da crowd,in da night
nobody will be watching
(Mr.DJ is playinÂf break beats.
Look and see da big house burninÂf down)
My heart canÂft wait for the sun to rise
(Mr.DJ is playinÂf slow jams.
All the leaves on da tree falinÂf down)
The stars turn to illuminate us
Play another one please,just
play another for me
Take away the button just for tonight
Play another one please,
just play another for me
ItÂfs already flowinÂf
Ah you suddenly turn
away your eyes
Are you just shy, or has your heart changed
you tell me
Play another one please,
just play another for me
Take away the clock just for tonight
Play another one please,
just play another for me
IÂfm already runninÂf
Play another one please,just
play another for me
Take away the button just for tonight
Play another one please,
just play another for me
ItÂfs already flowinÂf
Play another one please,
just play another for me
Forget your name just for tonight
Play another one please,
just play another for me
yesterday has already passed