Kate Bush
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Experiment IV

Kate Bush

This Woman's Work

"Experiment IV"

We were working secretly
For the military.
We only know in theory
What we are doing:
Music made for pleasure,
Music made to thrill.
It was music we were making here until
They told us
All they wanted
Was a sound that could kill someone
From a distance.
So we go ahead,
And the meters are over in the red.
It's a mistake in the making.
It could feel like falling in love.
It could feel so bad.
But it could feel so good.
It could sing you to sleep--
("I'll bet my mum's gonna give me a little toy
But that dream is your enemy.
We won't be there to be blamed.
We won't be there to snitch.
I just pray that someone there
Can hit the switch.
But they told us
All they wanted
Was a sound that could kill someone
From a distance.
So we go ahead,
And the meters are over in the red.
It's a mistake we've made.
And the public are warned to stay off.

©1986 Kate Bush Music Ltd.
by dave

Compositor: Catherine Bush (Kate Bush)
ECAD: Obra #3766817

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