He was twenty-one If you believe What he wrote down On the paper That the sergeant Made him sign He never held a gun Never been Too far from home And he'd never had a night Like this in mind
They moved him To the front And left him With one order Don't give up That hole We made you dig He took A picture out And then he read Some letters Closed his eyes Said the lord My shepherd is
Peace comes Stealing slow Falls like Silent snow Swings down Sweet and low Peace comes Stealing slow
She was On the street And looking For some shelter Beaten down And weary Of this world Shivering From the cold And crazy From the voices She dreams Of summers When she Was a girl
We live in a world Of trials And tribulations People filled With hatred everywhere So we bow our heads And we raise Our voices Offer our petition In this prayer
Peace come Stealing slow Falls like Silent snow Swing down Sweet and low Peace come Stealing slow