Página inicial > Pop > K > Kesha > Disney's Princess Ke$ha

Disney's Princess Ke$ha


*Larala la*
*larala la*

Okay, fuck it
Time to get the day going
Dressin' up to the night
Yo, critter crew (Say what)
Make princess Ke$ha look fine

Add a little pinch of magic from my fairy tale life
And off we go-oh-oh

Look in the mirror rub my eyes
And what is this
Some genie slut
Smiling back
Suck it, bitch!

You mister raccoon pass the jack,
I need your ?
Trim it
Prim it
Dress it
Mess it
Now that's my shit

I'm gettin ready so ni-i-ice
It's kinda cool I got a robot voice
(Check this shit out)
No mirror lady bitch can deny-y
I'm gettin customized, customized, customized, right

Karate yo

I'm gettin' ready so damm ? up
Even with this wedgy ? up my butt
Thanks for Mr Crow you sneeky little fuck

I'm gettin customized, customized, customized, right

Pleaaasee bitch
A touch of glitter on my cheek
Now the look is complete

Compositor: Ke$ha

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