Kevin Max
Página inicial > K > Kevin Max > Existence


Kevin Max


You come into the threshold of another starless night of fear
You're running from the demons that would drag you down again
Illusions of the world are spinning out of time and frame and synchronicity
You're so sad
You're such a sad-eyed girl
You're so sad in your sub-plot

What is this, what is this, this mess of my existence is
All these politics of life and death and relevance
It's my existence

Another morning it comes running up your bedpost with the wind
You face yourself just like you always do, time and time again
The mortal coil of image, inner peace and satisfaction
And so you keep it on the down-low
Hiding all the secrets that are down below
And so you keep it on the down-low
Tell me baby was it worth it all


Oh just take it all, make it work and make some sense
Just take it all,
You're my existence
You're my existence

Compositores: Kevin Max Smith, Mark Townsend
ECAD: Obra #5746140

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