where the sidewalk ends you don't have no friends just dirt and stains on your clothes where the rats all live you don't have anything to give exept your misery and the stories you tell
when the sun shines on your face you think you are the saviour of the human race When there's no clouds in the sky And No rain on your head You think you(re a hit you're a big succes
Where the sidewalk ends you don't need no friends you are just a nobody that wants to be left alone Where the sidewalk ends you've got nothing to lose but you can never win it does not matter what side you chose
Life aint so easy suck in a pit you want to crawl out but your limbs seem to miss
Livin' on the sidewalk heart on the lose There's a big black sun burning holes in your head (2X)
With your head in the ditch you don't feel that rich You've got some name but you've got no adres Where the sidewalk ends you seee your live side by like a cheap B movie, there aint no happy end.