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Say no Word


Lost in the Waves

I see a fraction of my own reflection
and my body is covered in dust
I see the river but there is no water anymore
just ashes and dirt
Every night I feel like we're dying inside
But everyone is more concerned
about what's happening during the morning
I don't wanna see you smiling, it's just a facade
When everything is crumbling
don't tell me that you didn't see the warnings
Now everything is getting worse
All the iron has turned to rust
I don't want it to run my life
Now and forever

Is everyone blinded?
You don't know why, but you can feel it coming
I don't want to feel a thing
I want to stay out of it
Talking to myself again I feel like imma break
I don't want to be the same
I've got to go to hell
If I want to forget the pain I'm feeling once again

Say no fuckin' thing, say no word
I don't give a damn, you're the worst
Say you feel the pain, you don't know
I'm afraid this is going to last forever

I don't care what this life is gonna be
I'm afraid that there is nothing left to say

Say no fuckin' thing, say no word
I don't give a damn you're the worst
Say you feel the pain, I don't know
I'm afraid this is going to last forever
Oh, Ah, Ah-oh

I'm afraid this is forever
I don't care, now and forever
Yeah, Rah-oh

This is the end of all things
Have you ever been alive? I bet you haven't
But you don't realize
Don't say a fucking word
I don't want to hear a thing, now and forever

I don't know why I feel so low
I've been so deep
It's the only thing that I know
And I don't know why I feel so low
We've been too deep
It's the only thing that we know
Say no word, your time is done

Compositor: Florent Salfati & Nicolas Exposito

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