The Living End
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Riot On Broadway

The Living End

Pirate stations in the harbour
Sending a message to the wireless
A warning to all tonight
There'll be no remorse tonight
The flag is burning as we speak

So when the lights go out
You'll hear them scream and shout

Riot on Broadway
Lights out on the town
Riot on Broadway
Anger burns the city - to the ground

Secrets told and fears revealed
Peace is cheap and a smile's a steal
So the world lost it's beat
The world lost it's feet
Passed by while everyone was sleeping

So when the lights go out
You'll hear them scream and shout


Well we won't run anymore, won't run
We won't run anymore
But we'll scream and shout

Riot! Riot!


Compositor: Christopher John Cheney (Chris Cheney)
ECAD: Obra #29088473 Fonograma #10239655

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