Lord Of The Lost
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The Ashes of Flowers

Lord Of The Lost


All in atonement are
Gone with the ashes of flowers
All the abandoned are
Gone with the ashes of flowers

When will the great day of light
Dawn for the heirs of the night

All the believers are
Gone with the ashes of flowers
All of the godless are
Gone with the ashes of flowers

When will the great day of light
Dawn for the heirs of the night

Whеre did you go
What did you do
When you left us

Gonе with the ashes of flowers
All in atonement are
Gone with the ashes of flowers
All the abandoned are
Gone with the ashes of flowers
All the believers are
Gone with the ashes of flowers
All of the godless are

Gone with the ashes of flowers
Gone with the ashes of flowers
Gone with the ashes of flowers
Gone with the ashes of flowers
Gone with the ashes of flowers
Gone with the ashes of flowers
Gone with the ashes of flowers

Compositores: Chris Harms, Benjamin Lawrenz & Pi Stoffers

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