Midnight, down the gutter I'm the disease of society Beg for a dime, pray for a dollar Lookin' for the man that I thought I'd be Gotta find a cure for my destiny Maybe I'm guilty, maybe I've sinned cause
God promised a paradise Don't know if I'm dead or alive Sweet dreams they were crucified Living on the will to survive Daybreak, face in the water Laughin' at all the people steppin' over me Gotta find a cure for this blasphemy Maybe I'm guilty, maybe I've sinned cause
God promised a paradise Don't know if I'm dead or alive Sweet dreams they were crucified Living on the will to survive Daybreak, face in the water Laughin' at all the people steppin' over me Gotta find a cure for this blasphemy Maybe I'm guilty, maybe I've sinned cause
God promised a paradise Don't know if I'm dead or alive Sweet dreams they were crucified Living on the will to survive Daybreak, face in the water Laughin' at all the people steppin' over me Gotta find a cure for this blasphemy Maybe I'm guilty, maybe I've sinned cause