Matthew West
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The Place Only We Know

Matthew West

Don't Stop Praying

When my bending turns to break
I've taken more than I can take
And life keeps throwing punches left and right

When I'm getting by but barely
Ain't seeing things too clearly
And my heart could use somewhere to run and hide

I know a place
Where the world and all its noise
Fades away
And the sound of a still small voice
Calls to me to come and rest my weary soul
And You meet me in the place
Only we know

It's where I tell You every secrеt
Every wound and every wеakness
And I smile to think how You already knew
It's where I carry my confessions
And give thanks for the blessing
Of knowing broken things can be made new

I know a place
Where the world and all its noise
Fades away
And the sound of a still small voice
Calls to me to come and rest my weary soul
And You meet me in the place
Only we know

Casting Crowns
Well sometimes I shake my fist
Sometimes I raise my hands
Sometimes I sing a song of praise
And sometimes I just can't
Sometimes I hear an answer
Most times I hear “Be still”
Oh but every time I'm there with You
My empty cup gets filled

And it ain't some far off somewhere
Only takes a prayer to get there
Cause You're right beside me everywhere I go
With an open invitation
For me to keep escaping
To the place
Only we know

I'll meet you in the place that only we know

(Oh la la la la)

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