Nada Surf
Página inicial > Indie > N > Nada Surf > Moon Mirror

Moon Mirror

Nada Surf

Show me a partner
Make me an engine
A part of something somewhere
Moon mirror
Highways of hope
Moon mirror

Show me a life that I'm living
Connect me to something
That's just beginning
Across a mountain
Across an ocean
Moon mirror

I'm here in a field
I'm here in a window
In a car
In a highway's whipping wind

Show me a partner
Moon mirror
Make me a part of something somewhere
Moon mirror
Show me a life I'm living
Moon mirror
Connect me to something

Across a mountain
Connect me to something
Across an ocean
Moon mirror
Moon mirror
Moon mirror

I'm here in a fiеld
I'm here in a window

Therе's an infinity maypole
Of innumerable strands
Reaching up through space from
All these human hands
There's an infinity maypole
Billions of arcing lines
Searching up through space from
All these human eyes

I'm trying to see something in you
I'm trying to give

Moon mirror
Highways of hope
Moon mirror
Memory ghosts
Everyone's best friend
We're all trying to give
All our best friend
Make me again
Show me a partner
Come down
Help me make it clearer
I've been waiting for you moon mirror

Compositores: Daniel Lorca, Ira Elliot, Louie Lino, Matthew Caws

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