Pernice Brothers
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We Love The Stage

Pernice Brothers

I nearly drowned on my motel room floor
Even so, we made soundcheck by four
When love is true, all parties have to be so true
It doesn't matter if the crowds are thin
We sing to six the way we sing to ten
We like the way an intro four-count sounds near three
We even like the smartass kids who shout
“Freebird” in my face
But love is love, and we love the stage

I had a wife who said, “Home sets you free. ”
I chose this life, this life chose me
My boy thinks I'm his uncle
There's a dog that never knew my smell
It's just as well
We open up for some Welsh singer who
In the eighties was the rage
Because love is love, and we love the stage

It's a gas to sing tonight
Just like tempting death or life
For the thrill-seeker fool
It's hard to articulate the sad that permeates
As the last curtain falls on eyes glazed over
Like they're from a film by Leni Riefenstahl
To all the pretty girls who want more
Than my autograph on their page
Love is love, and we love the stage

Compositor: Joe Pernice

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