Pet Shop Boys


Pet Shop Boys


All the stars are flashing high above the sea
And the party is some fun 'round you and me
We're gonna burn these disco out
before the morning comes
We're gonna burn these disco out
before the morning comes
We're gonna burn these disco out
before the morning comes
We're gonna burn these disco out
before the morning comes

It feels so good
It feels so good
It feels so good
It feels so good

There's a form glowing weird above the sea
And I feel the sound and heat between you and me
We're gonna burn these disco out
before the morning comes
We're gonna burn these disco out
before the morning comes
We're gonna burn these disco out
before the morning comes
We're gonna burn these disco out
before the morning comes

Compositores: Christopher Sean Lowe (Chris Lowe), Neil Francis Tennant (Neil Tennant)
ECAD: Obra #13829749 Fonograma #12081559

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