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I Like Presents


A Very Poppy Christmas - EP

Cuddle up around the Christmas tree
Nowhere else but here I wanna be
Sparkle brighter than the neighbors' lights
Forget about the fighting for one night

No one should be alone tonight
And I see Christmas in your eyes
So won't you give yourself to me?
Forget those boxes, leave the tree

I like presents, yes, indeed
But you're the only thing I need
Call it selfish, call it greed
All of you for all of me

'Round this time, I always think of peace
Wish that that was something we could reach
'Cause I know this year was hard on you
So baby, let's turn in and turn off the news

No one should be alone tonight
And I see Christmas in your eyes
So won't you give yourself to me?
Forget those boxes, leave the tree

I like presents, yes, indeed
But you're the only thing I need
Call it selfish, call it greed
All of you for all of me

All of you for all of me
All of you for all of me
All of you for all of me
All of you for all of me

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