Am I ahead? Or am I losin’? I hesitate ‘cos you know it’s spring break
It is just the time When folks n’ dudes they’ve got the highest You bet I’m on it And I don’t wanna spend what’s left o’ my life Workin’ my ass out My ass is my ass try n’ do me
When had I become a role model? For helpless bastards like’em N’ tho’ you may empathise I ain’t the shit you wanna be messin’ with
(We may be no good but we ain’t hurtin’ a soul) Under the table they’ve been all sniffin’ coke (We may be no good but we will lift you up high) So high you feel like you died
Or you’re still thinkin’, you’re still alive (3x) You ain’t that good but you ain’t dead (3x) Alive while dead...
Will it come with a nasty little show? ‘cos babe ya know, good kids always get what they want
It’s torrid, if I told you, you would be way upset Babe there are a lotta of other things unsaid Bet there ain’t a better way to tell you I’ve left Now move your booty and be back often