Maybe it’s because I’m the bastard son That was born out(side) of love In this house of shit-hardened brick; Under the star for the disaffected
But I live my life indignant, Stubborn and seeking inspiration Cause from my manger to my cross- Time’s ticking And there’s no time to suffer a boss
So with that, The three Kings and I, We’re setting out to redeem Everyone alive! A journey across the map To call shit like it is, And point fingers, unabashed! It might take the end For a chosen few To ensure divinity to this crew Well, we’ll just have to chance it…
We spread the Gospel of fervent rage To working folk and pariah the same All the way from the Cayman Isles To the dark wells of sand dune lakes
It’s an Inquisition for Idolaters and financial whores Seeking the day for their Last Supper now Life has bent its will Long enough for such greedy men So raise the stakes and light the pyres Hoist up the offending liars And leave them for dead
Scream “Sakes Alive!!” Scream “Sakes Alive!!” We are born again