Hello again this may be my last message for the night Talking through this faceless machine I seem to write on and on Without answers i can clearly know
You may receive, you may believe But nothing i can do can make me feel any better I want to try to shut my eyes To find out what this life is telling me
There flashes my reply but do i want to see the answer This machines new face is rearing now I see what you call good words But these words seem to drown before me They mean nothing meaningful to me
You're everything to me, you need to believe These words are long for their meaning and i know you mean well I want to try, to open my eyes And see through the words that you're trying to say I never ever want to walk away
You may receive, you may believe But nothing i can do can make me feel any better I want to try to open my eyes And see through the words that you're trying to say I never ever, ever want to walk away Goodnight was all i meant to say