Chorus Doo bee doo bee doo you are my sunshine Doo bee doo bee doo you make me feel fine Doo bee doo bee doo you feel the same way that I feel, oh yeah Doo bee doo bee doo you're like the moonlight Doo bee doo bee doo your'e like the dark night
Doo bee doo bee doo you know Your'e the one I really like, oh yeah Doo bee doo bee do you doo bee doo bee Do you do you feel the way I do? Doo be doo bee doo you doo bee doo bee Do you do you know this songs for you? Doo bee doo bee doo you doo bee doo bee Do you do you feel the way I do? Doo bee doo bee do you doo bee Do you do you know this songs for you?
Everywhere we go its always you, and me Cause everyone should know that your'e the one, for me Sometimes, when I'm lonely, I just think of you And sometimes, when I miss you, I sing this song for you
Everyday with you is such a sweet, sweet day You make me feel so happy chase the clouds, away Sometimes when I'm lonely, I just think of you And sometimes when I miss you, I sing this song for you Doo bee doo bee doo!