Serge Gainsbourg
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Sea Sex And Sun (V. anglaise)

Serge Gainsbourg

Sea sex and sun
Excuse me
I am a french man
And I am afraid
I don't speak very well english
I think
That you are
The most pretty little girl
I ever knew
Sea sex and sun
And i would like
To make love with you
Sea sex and sun
For a french man
It's very difficult to explain
What can i do
I like your body your eyes
Baby blue
Sea sex and sun
I would like
To make love with you
Sea sex and sun
I am a french man
And i am used to saying
Je t'aime
How old are you
You look sixteen
But your smile
Twenty two
Sea sex and sun
Any way
I would like
To make love
With you
Sea sex and sun....

Compositor: Paroles et Musique: Serge Gainsbourg 1978

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