So now I stand atop Atop the highest peak Looking back at the voyaged path Tailing behind me
From the deepest seas To the darkest nights; I survived But still a piece of the puzzle Is missing from my mind Searching for the worth
In every ocean In every land The olive branch, a second chance The purest dove to grace my head Instead all I have is the wonder Of what's on the other side Screaming, I pray to the earth and sky:
"but what's the point? All I'll still find is nothing... Please say this journey has all been for something."
"tell me, Do the angels fly with icy, feathered wings? Do the deaf men of the heavens hear them When they sing? How are we to wake up without ever wondering? You won't always find an answer to everything. So now, my child, keep your mind from wandering And find the peace inside to let your restless mind sleep."